I’ve always been a sucker for love as I believe its the most essential thing in life, all the chaos in the world is because of the lack of love, where there is love there is happiness, there is joy, there is youthfulness, you will see a 50-year-old man giggling over what his 30-year-old lover is whispering into his ear, even though is silliness, but all she says to him becomes important, he can’t sleep or even think straight anymore.. crazy for love!.
Physically and emotionally its the greatest feeling anyone can feel, just looking at lovers on the streets of London, in the restaurants, staring at each other’s eyes, holding each other’s hands, resting on one another’s shoulders, even a cheeky kiss is mesmerizing.

I always love couples I see on the street and these mostly fall on the young lovers or new lovers who can’t get enough of one another, as a bystander, you can feel the heat, the chemistry between them, the way he looks at her or vice versa. I sometimes wonder how this is possible.

Why is it that when you see someone you fancy your heart skips a bit, or your palms start to sweat, worse you can’t speak when you see them, you become jelly!.

For those who haven’t witness it before I pray you do. What’s the point of living on this planet earth and not tick the box of ‘have been there and done that before’…

The older I get the more I understand life and what it has to offer and what you must experience as a living being, before you depart this planet earth. After all, you only have one life to live.

My point is. LIVE LIFE, not LIVE THROUGH IT. experience life and all it has to offer!… Break protocols, if it needs to be done, expand your mind, think outside the box, break out for once and BE HAPPY…

In your old age, your £1000 designer bags or clothes won’t be a good past memory to live on if you haven’t shared it with someone. I recently watched a video of over 100year old sharing their stories, called ‘Life lessons from 100 yrs old’ must watch for you and it put a lot of things in perspective for me. The happier you are, the younger you become in your mind and the healthier you yourself want to look. After all GOD IS LOVE, so LOVE, LOVE LOVE. learn to love if you must!.

Take a train with your lover to Paris the city of love and live life, store it in your memory, even if just for old age when you can’t work again and all you do is live off your happy memories of what you have done and with whom, let it brings a smile to your face. Remember it is your life, nobody else’s and it is your memory and no one else’s.

Enjoy music, enjoy food, go travelling, discover the World and all the beautiful things it entails, the seas, the animals, learn a language, go hot ballooning or scaling down a building, enjoy beautiful memeories.

I love travelling and I love tasting food around the world, sometimes I try to take my kids and a couple of years down the line, they call me up and say ‘Mum can you remember when you took us here and we did this’and we all burst out laughing!, sometimes with tears coming down our eyes to how funny it is.

If you like someone let them know, learn to be love, love everyone around you, celebrate them, smile more, be beautiful, fall in love with yourself and others will automatically follow. Intentionally decide to hug more, kiss more, cuddle more and praise more!.