Tragic news! Dana crash victims. RIP: Onyeka Collins, wife and four children


There are so many things that baffles my mind, like King David wondered in the bible, why do the wicked seem to live forever and the innocent die an untimely death, his conclusion was we are not to know, the test is for us to believe that the creator of the world and all that is in it is just and has a plan, as as a christian we choose to believe that He knows best. Nothing happens without His knowledge.
Crowds on Friday thronged the burial of a family of six – Onyeka Collins Anyene; his wife, Maimuna; and their four children – in Ndiowu, Anambra State.

Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come.Isaiah 57:1
Are we immune to these tragic events? certainly not, we mourn the loss of such precious lives, the joy they had brought to the world, which will be no more, what could have been if they were to be alive, but overall we take strength in the fact that we will all see them again.
My heart bleeds for the Onyeka Anyene family and I can only pray that the peace of God be with them and His love envelope the rest of the family and grant them the strength to move on.
Crowds on Friday thronged the burial of a family of six – Onyeka Collins Anyene; his wife, Maimuna; and their four children – in Ndiowu, Anambra State.
The entire family was among the 153 passengers and crew who died in the crash of a Dana Air flight from Abuja-Lagos as it made to land at the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Ikeja, Lagos.
Instead, it crashed into four buildings in Iju Ishaga, on the outskirts of Lagos.
At the burial service at St. Lawrence Anglican Church, schoolchildren, family members, friends and the people of Ndiowu gathered to pay their last respects to the departed before they were buried.
Reports said tears flowed freely at the lying-in-state as well as the funeral service.
Their remains were conveyed to the church in six caskets, evoking painful memories from those who knew them closely. Ahead of the funeral rites, a grave measuring 14x10ft has been prepared in which the family of six will be buried at their residence in Ndiowu.