Merry Christmas!, Aseyi Samodun!

Merry Christmas and happy birthday Jesus!

Well as you know the Falese’s are big on birthday’s and the grandest of all is the birthday of our Lord, Jesus Christ who is 2,041 years old on Christmas day! (so the kids are excited as you can see Tabitha’s smile)

I am so grateful to God as I celebrate the birth of His son, Jesus Christ, my Saviour, my Redeemer, My Light in darkness of sadness, my strength when I am distraught, my joy when I am sad, my peace when I am troubled in my soul, my hope when I am down and out, my sustenance when I am tired, weary and lost.


Christmas day for us is the happiest day for the kids as they get loads of presents on behalf of Jesus, since He does’nt need them in heaven, He leaves it under the tree for the children who have been good all year round, obeying their parents and reading their bibles.

For my husband and I it is a day of appreciation, without Jesus, we wouldnt have met and without Jesus our marriage would have fallen apart with the pressures of life. Every marriage goes through turbulence and we have had our share of storms, be it children, finances, families, projects etc. but with Jesus we have been able to withstand the storm and come out the other side, stronger and empowered.

God has blessed me beyond measures, I have been to places this year that I have never imagined, all through the power of Jesus who is my strength and my visionier, Jesus took away my timidity and gave me boldness, I came to realise like you should too that I am the light of the world, I cant hide and disappoint Jesus who has gone back to heaven and left the beacon to you and I to carry and touch round the world, reaching out to all. Our brothers and sisters in darkness, lost, hopeless, lonely looking for someone, crying to God to help them while you and I are the answer to their prayers.

I realised that through Jesus I discovered who I am and what is required of me, my vision, my goals became a driving force for me to stepping out. ‘Rise n Shine’ if not for you for Jesus as He is counting on you and I. I have been out visiting schools coaching them on ‘purpose’ and a gift of God, I have monthly prayed with MP’s if the House of Parliament Chapel where Wilberforce worshipped in his time for the Government of UK. I have used sketchboard to preach Christ in the marketplace

I have through my charity met Princess Anne as a bank analyst and a trainee chaplain I have seen the goodness of God all around. I am so grateful to God for my family, my dad who has once again seen this Christmas with us, my daughter and niece Olubunmi Enitan who is going to Uni soon, my sister in law Tope Folorunso who got married and I was the mother of the bride!

My brother Ola Stonebridge! who is rocking Nigeria as we speak and all my friends, spiritual brothers and sisters, sons and daughters,Christ Glory Church Manchester, IHOP london, my wednesday intercessor group and my Spiritual guardians Pastor Sunday & Bose Adelaja in Ukraine. My husband whom I guess have stressed a lot this year 2011(he knows why!) Mama Ibeji who is God sent, loves the kids from her soul.  I have indeed truly been blessed without a doubt. To all my readers out there, drop me a line, tell me about your year and your plans for 2012. As a Life Coach I could help you achieve your goals. !

So my beloved people, as you celebrate Christmas with your families, tucking into your turkey or jollof rice and chicken, lets remember the lonely ones, the poor and reach out in any way we can. Determine to get to know Jesus the more, visit my blog for inspiration.


May 2012 bring us peace, joy and happiness and may we grow to know Jesus the more, I pray that the eyes of our understanding be open that we may know the hope that He has called us to.




                                                  Eku Odun, eku iyedun, ase pupo ! 
                               Merry Christmas and a happy new year!