Fabrice Muamba recovery described as ‘miraculous’ by doctors!

            ‘In effect, he was dead’: Doctors who saved cardiac arrest footballer Fabrice Muamba tell how they worked on him for more than an hour and shocked him 15 times to get his heart beating

  • Doctors took 1hr and 18 minutes to restart Muamba’s heart
  • But he is now making a ‘miraculous’ recovery – and joking with doctors
  • Bolton Wanderers Dr Jonathan Tobin describes shock of seeing 23-year-old midfielder suffer a cardiac arrest
  • Footballer was bemused that match had been stopped when he came round
  • First words after coming out of coma were about son Joshua, 3
  • Fiancee Shauna Magunda on Twitter: ‘All your prayers are working’
·         Fabrice Muamba was ‘effectively dead’ for 78 minutes and had to be shocked 15 times before his heart restarted, a doctor revealed today.
·         Medics worked on the Bolton Wanderers footballer for almost an hour and a half last weekend to get it going after he suffered a cardiac arrest.

Everyone watched in horror when Fabrice Muamba collapse suffering from a cardiac arrest during an FA cup match between Bolton Wanderers and Tottenham Hotspur on 17 March, 2012, after failing to revive him the game was cancelled and you could see the desperation in the players eyes. Twitter went crazy, facebook the same all everyone was saying was ‘pray for Muamba’.


The picture of his colleagues with his eyes closed hands clasped together desperately seeking Gods help, went round the world and later Shauna his fiancee’s twitter saying “Please keep praying for @fmuamba its really helping I can feel it xx.” Put God back on the agenda and straight into limelight.  The “Pray 4 Muamba” T-shirt went round the world, with all football players and fans coming together under the umbrella of Prayer.



The bible says, the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are saved Proverbs 18:10.
I personally am encouraged that deep withing a country and anti God culture which a certain group of people would like us to believe that God is no more in business, a sudden crises like this gives Christians the assurance that we are not alone and that no matter what society may want us to believe, God is still in Control.
May the resurrection power of God that woke Jesus from the dead, bring back to life all that is dead in Muamba’s heart, we prophesy total healing into his Spirit, body and Soul and we cover him and his family with the blood of Jesus. IJN


The Lord will continue to strengthen us all as we go through our journey of life and give us the faith and sustenance to overcome all huddles of life.

Sadly the good news also leaves a sour taste as we mourn Kristina Goredema who collapsed and died while praying for Muamba, Only God understands the things that are unseen to man, may her soul rest in perfect peace as she rests in the bosom of Jesus.

Be encouraged and remember you are not alone.
God bless Muamba, God bless you my reader too!