Thank God for Jesus!. Like I said last week Good Friday, my kids, nanny and I took the one hour train trip to Trafalgar square to watch the 12 noon Passion of Jesus play, we got there 11.30am and my God it was packed with over 5,000 people already sitting patiently, it took us awhile to get a good spot but we managed to do so.
Surprisingly it was sunny, so hot was it that the kids had to strip off the layers of woollies I had on them, luckily I bought some fruit juice and biscuit’s and anyway the kids believed that God made the Sun shine cause He knew Jesus was coming to Trafalgar Square!.
The play was well scripted and I fell in love with Jesus and the storyteller who put up a believable act. For non Christians and Christian’s it is a wake up call and reminder never to forget what Jesus did for us. Jesus who knew no sin, sacrificed His life and shed His blood as the ultimate sacrifice so we might have eternal life, hope and victory.
For my children it is a reminder of the love of Jesus, what the power of Love is and how to appreciate what we have, as a family and that we have a God that loves us more than we can ever imagine. We were even very lucky as Jesus took the cross through where we were sitting. I told my kids if someone can do this for you then you have to make Him proud to be the best you can be for Him. After all we are all the Light of the world, bringing light to a world of sadness and darkness. It is because of Jesus that we are free, with Joy, with Peace and Hope.
Finally the show ended with the good looking Catholic archbishop Vincent Nichols whom I love for His integrity in defending the gospel coming out and shared the grace with us all. It was beautiful and the kids had time to speak with the Roman soldiers!.
Esme Peach
It therefore came as a surprise when I read in the huffington post, that people were complaining that it was too gory, and shouldn’t be shown to children. What do they think Crucifixion is? Do they think someone dying on a cross is a joke and needs to be edited and perhaps re-written so we have the cross removed from the scene? are these people really Christians or is this another plan of the ‘aggresive secularism disciples’ looking for ways to discourage the Charity and sponsors from hosting the event in Trafalgar square next year?.
All I will say is if it is too gory for them, they better stay at home next year and let people who need Jesus, who need hope, who are looking for a way out to see JESUS!. Or perhaps witness it better in Phillipines!.
As for me and my family, we love you Wintershall, more grease to your elbows and may Lives be saved and delivered as you take the gospel of hope round the globe