Sad! RCCG Pastor Impregnates Choir Member; Kills Himself

O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? Psalm 130:2

The saddest thing on that could happen to a human being that was brought to earth by God for a purpose, is to suddenly let the pressures of life misguide or overcome them so much that they give up and go for the easiest option they can think of, commit suicide!. Tony Scott the Director of Top Gun drove his car to a bridge, got out and jumped into the river. Committing suicide because he was sick and couldn’t take it any more. Then their is Euthanasia ‘assisted suicide’ which is practised legally in Sweden, that is if you are terminally sick and want to die, you are assisted and given drugs to die.

As a Christian we believe like Job does, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” Job 1:21  Our life was given to us and will be taken back when the purpose for it has been fulfilled.

My fear is this, if hell truly real like the bible tells us and the creator of heaven and earth who created us leads us to believe. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. Matthew 5:29

Therefore, Sin which is disobedience to God is the ticket to Hell, a lake of fire that burns eternally. Really nobody has physically been there and come back, but if it were true and you check out of earth as a quick exit from pain and enter straight into Hell rather than Heaven. Now you are destined to eternally anguish and pain with no end!. Which one is better? I heard of a couple who both jumped off their roof and committed suicide, because they couldn’t live without their child, who died of a sickness. What a waste of souls! Some die because they were jilted!

It baffles me then when a Christian then commits suicide, do I blame them? Not really as I have never been in a situation that I think is irreversible with faith in God, who is a merciful God. If God truly see”s the heart like He did with King David, who committed the most hideous sins imaginable and still forgave him and still said he is the one after my own heart. If it is because of incurable sickness, then I believe the grace to cope with such sickness can only come from God and if He thinks it is better to call such soul home, then He will.  I can only pray that the Lord will grant every suicidal soul to see what God sees and to bring them back from darkness into His light and love.


Sadly, this RCCG pastor decided to join the suicide list, may the Lord have mercy on His soul and comfort the family he left behind.

A pastor with the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, in the Enerhen area of Delta State, recently set himself ablaze to escape the shame of his illicit affair. 

It was gathered that the decision of the Pastor, simply identified as Pastor Celestine, to take his life was because he allegedly impregnated a choir in his parish whose name is given as Rose. 

According to reports, the pastor pleaded with Rose to abort the pregnancy which she refused blatantly as she did not want to lose her life during the abortion. 

He gave her a cheque for N2,000,000, which she refused, even after explaining to her that her refusal to abort the pregnancy may lead to the fall of the parish. 

After all efforts to get Rose to abort the pregnancy failed, he reportedly drove himself to Udu bridge under which he lit himself and was burnt to death. 

He was married and had a 2 month old baby from his wife of two years.