Parenting Nightmare! Creflo Dollar arrested for assaulting daughter. video

According to the police report from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office, Dollar’s 15 year old daughter called police to say that her father attacked her after they argued about whether the daughter could attend a party.

Pastor Creflo Dollar (I wonder how they snapthese awful pics!)

Earlier this year I wrote about the challenges Africans face abroad, when it comes to ‘parenting’. As a Christian I strongly believe in Christian values and discipline, hence the good bible says, ‘train your child in the way he should go and when he grows he will not depart from it’. Hence my article in March reporting on our youth gang and the root cause.

Well here we are again, a God fearing citizen objecting to his teen daughters way of life, to the point that the daughter hit the father when he refused to let her go to a party, he restrains her and what happens!, Father gets arrested and treated like a criminal. This is exactly why I am sending my kids to Nigeria to study, go to a Christian boarding school where they will be spiritually and culturally grounded.  I just cant imagine myself or my peers raising their voice or hand to hit their parents because of a party.

Kids of these days, have lost their sense of values, or even respect to their peers, their parents are treated like doormats, all because of the Governments policy to give more power to the children than the parent, no wonder kids are rioting, killing and increasing in prison. I truly pray that our government revamp these children protection laws and give more rights to the parents to raise their children as they deem fit as much as it is within reason.

According to the police report from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office, Dollar’s daughter called police to say that her father attacked her after they argued about whether the daughter could attend a party.
The report says Dollar choked his daughter, then threw her to the ground, punched her and hit her with his shoe. The responding officer noticed a scratch on the daughter’s neck near her throat; the daughter said her father gave her the scratch during the fight.
When police interviewed Dollar, he said he tried to restrain his daughter when she “became very disrespectful” after he told her she couldn’t go to the party, according to the report. Dollar admitted to spanking his daughter and wrestling her to the floor, but said it was because she hit him.