Top 30 African tech startups to watch out for!

Every one is focusing on Africa, the next tech bubble waiting to burst,  We are hoping to raise our own, Steve Jobs, or Mark ZukerbergWhy did we focus on Africa? The continent’s one-billion people are coming online and 600-million of them already have mobile phones.

 It is estimated that by 2040, Africa’s working age population will be the largest in the world, making for a large number of young, active consumers — the brand conscious, aspirational demographic businesses covet. In the last 10 years 117-million Africans have migrated to cities, establishing a larger, wealthier concentration of people in need of goods and services and making Africa more urbanised than India and almost on par with China. Consumer spending grows by four percent a year and by 2020, Accenture estimates that poverty levels in Africa will fall to 20% from nearly 45% percent in more
Come on Africa, come on Nigeria!