Does us proud! 16 yr old African boy Kelvin Doe Self taught engineer from Sierria Leone woes U.S.A science experts

Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are for signs and wonders says the Lord of hosts.Isaiah 8:18


Once in awhile I come across stories that make me feel chuffed, proud and glad to be an African and also a mother, as the good book says, the children that the Lord has given to me, they are for signs and wonders, also remember that in Africa every child has many mothers, so as a mother I am overwhelmed with happiness and joy when I read or her of an African child doing extremely well on his road to great destiny.
Such story is 16 year old child prodigy of MIT, who because of his excellence in the understanding of electronics in his country Sierra Leone was invited to USA as a guest!.
I pray the God of Daniel and Solomon continue to equip him and all our children with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and an excellent, innovative, creative spirit. To equip them all with boldness and a sound mind to shine and turn their world around IJN
May all our children do us and God proud, just like Kevin Doe is doing!


At the age of 13, a boy living in Sierra Leone created batteries and generators using materials he picked up around the house or from trash bins. Now, he’s wowing experts in the U.S.
Kelvin Doe, now 16, became the youngest person in history to be invited to the “Visiting Practitioner’s Program” at MIT, according to CNN.
Doe, a completely self-taught engineer, manages his own fully-staffed community radio station in Sierra Leone where he broadcasts news and plays music under the moniker ‘DJ Focus.’ The radion station is powered by a generator created from a deteriorating voltage stabilizer, which he found in the trash, while a simple antenna lets his neighborhood listen in.
“They call me DJ Focus because I believe if you focus, you can do an invention perfectly,” Doe said in a video produced by for their THNKR YouTube channel.
Among those inventions is a battery that he created to light up homes in his neighborhood.
“The lights will come on once in a week, and the rest of the month, dark,” Doe told interviewers.
It took several attempts before Doe finally had a working prototype for the battery — a combination of soda, acid and metal, wrapped together by tape.