Children stolen by the UK government

As a Nigerian here in the United Kingdom, one thing all parents are aware of and find challenging to uphold is the duty of ‘parenting’. An African saying goes ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ but that is not so in UK, it is simply NO ROD, NO SMACK, absolutely nothing.


I have seen parents whom there kids were taken from them because they disciplined there unruly kids. So many Africans are right now at the mercy of the UK social workers who strip families apart, send there kids millions of miles away because of their lack of understanding of culture and religion.

Well thank God the media has picked up on it and hopefully we pray that there will be an end to the cowboy service of these power hungry officials

Evidence is accumulating on all sides to show that far too many children are now being removed from their parents wholly unnecessarily, often for laughably inadequate, even absurd, reasons
Yesterday the Daily Mail reported that applications to take children into care in England have soared to an all-time record, for the first time topping 10,000 in just 12 months.

Since 2008 alone, the figure has much more than doubled, to some 225 cases a week — bringing the total number of children in care in the UK as a whole to at least 90,000.

The story goes that social workers have become much more eager to take children into care because they do not wish to see any repetition of the scandal surrounding their failure to save Baby Peter, even though they and other officials had visited his home 60 times.