Father screams – Grace made me do it.. roller coaster ride! watch funny video

For the life of me, I still cant understand why kids are immune to fear, they seem to be oblivious to it and I would say court danger, fear and it seems to thrill them, the dangerous it is the more exciting it gets for them.
Whether its a roller coaster, or a 2 year old on a 100 foot balcony, playing Humpty dumpty!

For adults and people like me, I dread going on those extreme height roller coasters, I remember going to Thorpe Park, I was screaming my head off, just from watching it.! The lady beside me thought my children were on it, I told them no, just watching it alone scares me!

Never and never will you see me on those things, my children know this also, its just a pure no go area. My husband has been caught on these, trying to show the kids that he is macho!, I told him to stay with me but the kids convinced him it was no big deal. I can tell you when he came off it you will think he actually saw death!.  I noticed also that its always the men that want to show their kids that they are game on!, when they know they haven’t got the balls for it, all I say is why deceive yourself.

Here is a video of another Dad, being cool for his little girl!, enjoy:)