RIP 2012: Remembering the 7th July London bomb victims

The heart is deceitful, desperately wicked above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jer 17:9

Today we remember with great sadness in our hearts the victims of the July 7th, 2005 London bombing.   What a great lost of lives, gifts, blessings and dreams. We especially remember our own brother Anthony Fatayi-Williams who was one of the bus victims who died. Why would anyone want to snuff out the life of God given to man to bless his brethren and the world?. What is the point of these killings? It certainly doesn’t joy to the world. It only breeds, hate, suffering and turmoil, look at all these lost souls blood crying out to God. Such a sad world. We can only pray for God’s mercy on the world and his peace to finally reign. Let the blind at heart receive your light like Saul to see that his killing is not for God.

Anthony Fatai Williams

At the end they must remember that all these killed souls are all God’s children, Certainly killing His children wouldn’t make God happy but real sad, disappointed and grieved.


In the days after the London attacks, his Anthony Fatai Williams mother Marie made a deeply emotional speech during the search for her son, not seen since a number 30 bus was blown open by a suicide bomber in Tavistock Square on 7 July 2005.

“My son Anthony is my first son, my only son, the head of my family. He’s the love of my life. I am proud of him, I am still very proud of him. What did he do to deserve this?” she asked.
Five years on at the inquest into his death, she moved her audience a second time.
“His death has left a yawning vacuum in our lives and a sustained pain too strong for words and too deep for tears,” she said.
“Oh, how I miss you sorely, such that the rose is not red and the violets are not blue any more for me.”
On the morning of Thursday, 7 July 2005, four Islamist home-grown terrorists detonated four bombs, three in quick succession aboard London Underground trains across the city and, later, a fourth on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. Fifty-two people, as well as the four bombers, were killed in the attacks, and over 700 more were injured.


Today we pray for all the 52 lost souls, the Boko Haram victims in Nigeria and all the religious targeted victims around the world. may their souls rest in peace.