Cannibalism in vogue? God help us all! watch video

Brazilian cannibals charged with eating women

Everywhere you turn to these days from Europe to Asia to Latin America, to Africa, people have taken a liken to human flesh!. If you think I’m exaggerating, see for yourself.

Po­lice have ar­rest­ed three peo­ple for al­leged­ly killing at least two women, eat­ing parts of their bod­ies and using their flesh to make stuffed pas­tries known as em­panadas that they sold to neigh­bors in their north­east­ern Brazil city. The three sus­pects — a man, his wife and his mis­tress — be­longed to a sect that preached “the pu­rifi­ca­tion of the world and the re­duc­tion of its pop­u­la­tion,” po­lice in­spec­tor Wes­ley Fer­nan­des in the city of Garan­huns told the Globo TV net­work Fri­day. The news­pa­per Es­ta­do de S.​Paulo said the man, Jorge Bel­trao Ne­gromonte, wrote a 50-page book ti­tled “Rev­e­la­tions of a Schizophrenic” in which he says he hears voic­es and is ob­sessed with the killing of women. Fer­nan­des said the three were ar­rest­ed Wednes­day and had con­fessed to the crimes. The three al­leged­ly lured women to their house by promis­ing them a job as a nanny. They were tracked down after one of the ar­rest­ed women used a cred­it card be­long­ing to a vic­tim who dis­ap­peared last month.

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Carl Jacquneaux Bit A Chunk Of Face Off Victim Todd Credeur In Louisiana, Cops Say nother gruesome attack over the weekend involved one man allegedly biting off a piece of another man’s face — and like similar cases, this one, too, involves “bath salts.”

Louisiana man Carl Jacquneaux, 43, allegedly attacked his neighbor, Todd Credeur, in Lafayette Parish over an undefined domestic issue, KATC reported.
“During the attack, the suspect bit a chunk of the victim’s face off,” Scott Assistant Police Chief Kert Thomas told the station.
Credeur said he was working in his yard when Jacquneaux showed up and attacked him. Credeur said he defended himself by spraying wasp poison in the man’s face

Luka Rocco Magnotta Dismemberment: Jun Lin Allegedly Killed By Porn Actor The murder suspect dubbed the ‘Canadian Psycho’ has worked as a bisexual porn star, as a gay prostitute called ‘Angel,’ and is an alleged kitten killer with a string of fraud convictions.

Luka Rocco Magnotta, accused of chopping up his lover and filming the attack before mailing body parts to a series of addresses in Canada, was arrested on Monday in Berlin after initially fleeing to Paris and setting off an international manhunt.
In addition to having had plastic surgery on his face — apparently to look more like James Dean — he often wears lipstick and make-up, has dyed his hair and worn wigs, and sometimes dresses up as a woman.


Then there is Rudy Eugene whom I spoke about last week, or the South Korea human flesh capsules I also mentioned last month.
I will take care and watch out for strange faces if I were you, You might have thought this only happens in Africa but it is right here and popping out all over the place. We now have possessed people all over walking ‘zombies’ they are called!
If I were you I will plead the ‘blood of Jesus’ over yourself and family everyday you leave home. I pray everyday you leave home in joy you will return in joy too!