Every miracle starts with one person, Dr Sebastian Kola-Bankole needs YOU!

A lot of that has been happening lately in the Nigerian circle, especially on the back of ‘TYBello and the Bread seller‘.

Now is your time also to be a helper and a blesser. A young Nigerian British doctor hit by a lorry in Las Vegas, needs to fly back home to London to receive emergency treatment. Every minute counts and every penny blesses, hoping you too will be a blesser this Lenten season and donate towards the cost to bring him back. God bless and you also bless! .A Yoruba adage says ‘oju lo nroju s’anu‘. Meaning it only takes one helper to change someone’s story around. Here is a link to his ‘GoFundMe’ ac

‘Sebastian Kola-Bankole is a 35-year-old British doctor who has dedicated 8 years to working in the NHS.

Tragically, he was travelling in the United States when he was involved in an accident on Monday 15th February. He is currently at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Centre Intensive Care in Las Vegas where he has had emergency operations on his ears, arteries and spine and is now in a medically-induced coma. He is currently in a critical but stable condition; his recovery will be lengthy.

Despite always previously travelling with insurance, we are unable to find documents for this trip. He has no other resources to pay for his treatment – the cost of which will be well over £100,000. We hope that he will return to the UK as soon as is medically possible, however this may take some time.

We, his friends and family, are trying to raise the money for the continuation of his treatment and relocation to the UK’.

more details can be read on all the UK newspapers

Independent:  Sebastian Kola-Bankole: Campaign to return junior doctor to UK after holiday accident raises over £66,000 in one day

Evening Standard:  London NHS doctor fights for life after being hit by lorry in Las Vegas

Daily Mail: NHS doctor, 35, is fighting for life after being hit by a lorry in Las Vegas while on holiday for a friend’s wedding