Another Shame! Elvis Osolase 42, smuggles 13 children into UK and forces them into prostitution

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah 17:9

 Nigerian Osezua Elvis Osolase, 42  smuggled young children into Britain before brainwashing them with African witchcraft to try and force them into prostitution. He is accused of 13 offences of trafficking, rape, false imprisonment and sexual activity with a child. He allegedly cast spells over his three victims, all originally from Nigeria, using juju magic rituals in order to stop them from running away, a court has heard.

As a strong believer in the gospel of Salvation and the blessing, peace and morality that comes with it, without my faith in God and his begotten Son Jesus, I definitely and confidently tell you that by now I would have been sectioned into a mental home. This message of truth has given me strength and sustenance in my darkest hours.  My faith is something I cannot compromise.

However, saying this Religion has become the biggest obstacle to human progression, world peace, love and forgiveness. Ninety percent of the wars around the world are religious based. Killing in the name of God!. From Christianity, Islamist, Traditionalist, Occultism etc.

When I see the way religion is used as a weapon of mass destruction, I am quite relieved that not all people are blinded, manipulated by these destructive religions. e.g suicide bombing, voodoo, ritual killing, witchcraft. Thank God for British justice system!
The court heard Osolase, who lives with a German woman in Gravesend, Kent, had found his alleged 17-year-old victim begging on the streets of Nigeria.
The former security guard told her would take her to Britain to help her get an education.
Ms Ellis said: ‘He called himself ‘Victor’ and took her to a large house – a place she described as a “place of witchcraft”.
‘There she was given what she described as “native port”, a mixture which looked like blood and a red cloth.
‘She was told to use this liquid to bathe and to tie a cloth around herself after doing so.
‘A man came and cut hair under her armpits and finger and toenails and blood from her right hand.
‘She was told this was to ensure she did not run away and would repay Victor.
‘She said it was an “oath” and if she ran away the charm would find her.
‘She was told that if she ran away or didn’t pay that she would die. She believed it.’
Ms Ellis told the court the 17-year-old was then given a passport – which had been lost by its genuine owner some years earlier – and flown to the UK then Italy.
However, when she reached the airport she refused to go through customs and begged Italian officials for help, the court heard.


The prosecutor said the teenager was returned to Stansted Airport, Essex, where she eventually admitted to being Nigerian.
The same month the 15-year-old was alleged to have been brought to the UK and taken to Osolase’s home where she claimed she was sexually abused.
Ms Ellis said that she was also taken along with the 17-year-old and sent to Italy again with a stolen passport.
In July the 18-year-old arrived in Britain and was locked inside a flat and told she was going to Italy to meet “her madam” and to work as a prostitute, the court heard.
The prosecution claimed that an investigation of Osolase’s travelling in Europe revealed that the three were not his only victims.
The trial at Canterbury Crown Court is expected to last eight weeks and among the prosecution witnesses will be an expert in juju.