Millionaires Mind – Business 2012

Register for the Business 2012 Conference 18th-20th March 2012@ The O2, London (free admission)



At the beginning of this month I wrote an article called ‘who want’s to be a millionaire’ in it I shared the experience I had when I crewed for a millionaires club 4 day event called which cost them £4,000 to attend. However, as I was crewing (volunteering to steward the event)it was free (millionaires mind) .  It was an eye opener for me for my 2012 goals to become a multi millionaire by 2015. Here is a chance for you to visit absolutely free! Business 2012 promises to host all the movers and shakers of the wealth and creative industry. I want you to just go if nothing for the fun of it!




I saw how the rich think and how they create, expand their empire and how they invest their money and time, every speaker and member was a millionaire many times over, from property Moguls to app designers to retailers, hoteliers etc. I also noticed they were all very young and brought their children along. Their goal was on creating wealth, think smart and work smart.


I saw the importance of networking, speaking to people from every field, they share their passion with everyone that will listen, these were people with defined goals. Wealth creation! Gone are the days you labour laboriously with the sole purpose of getting an education to work as an employee with the aim of getting a pension in your later days! Its now, how can I become an employer be a blesser to the nation and fulfil my calling and destiny. We are all born to create, a man of vision, a woman of purpose.


My reading book this week while I journeyed to the city(takes 1hr)is a book called ’On the Shortness of Life’ written by Seneca. He writes ‘ Most human beings complain about the meanness of nature because we are born for a brief span of life. ..It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it..Life is long enough and a generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were ALL WELL INVESTED. But if it is wasted in heedless luxury and spend on no good activity.
We are forced by deaths final constraint to realise that life has passed away without us knowing.
In essence we need to wake up and smell the coffee before time passes by and we have achieved nothing. This event is completely free and will benefit you if you are serious of becoming wealthy this 2012.
See you there!