Customs seize capsules containing human flesh!

Here I was thinking its only African’s that have voodoo’s, juju’s, money ritual’s using human sacrifice etc, well South Korea has gone one step ahead, they put theirs in capsules!

THOUSANDS of smuggled drug capsules filled with powdered flesh from dead babies, which some people believe can cure disease, have been seized by Customs officials in South Korea.

The capsules were made in North-Eastern China from babies whose bodies were chopped into small pieces and dried on stoves before being turned into powder, the Korea Customs Service said.

Customs officials refused to say where the dead babies came from or who made the capsules, citing possible diplomatic friction with Beijing. 
Chinese officials ordered an investigation into the production of drugs made from dead fetuses or newborns last year.

The customs office has discovered 35 smuggling attempts since August of about 17,450 capsules disguised as stamina boosters, and some people believe them to be a panacea for disease, the customs service said in a statement. 

The capsules of human flesh, however, contained bacteria and other harmful ingredients.