Fifty Corpses Discovered in Pastor’s House, burnt alive!

50 Christians burned alive inside pastor’s home by Muslims –: Boko Haram claims responsibility for attacks


What has Christians done to deserve this?

Can you imagine running into a safe house for protection only for it to me used as a gallow house of execution by fire. What is Nigeria turning into, why would anyone kill their brother in the name of religion and the government does nothing. May God have mercy on our beloved country and may the souls of the departed rest in peace (amen)


At least 50 corpses have been discovered in the house of a pastor in Plateau State. The pastor is reported to belong to the Church of Christ in Nigeria.

The corpses were suspected to be those who ran for safety in the pastor’s house as they were being pursued by Fulanis.he death of the 50 persons in the residence of the pastor of the Church of Christ in Nigeria at Maseh village is said to be the handiwork of the suspected Fulani herdsmen who are believed to have torched the house when they discovered that the people had taken refuge there.I

It was further gathered that the victims, mostly women, children and the aged, had run into the church for safety when they heard of the Saturday morning massacre in neighbouring Barakin Ladi LGA.

The attackers were said to have got wind of the presence of the victims in the church and surrounded the church and then set it ablaze with the victims trapped inside.
The gunmen were also said to have ensured that nobody escaped as they stood by to shoot anybody that tried to escape.