Dog Protects Abandoned Newborn Baby Through the Night


we often talk about people working to protect animals from harm. But perhaps not enough credit goes out to the animals that have worked so hard to protect their human friends. We’d like to tell you the tale of one heroic dog who is making headlines in Ghana.
When the dog didn’t come home one evening, the owner sent out a search party to find the missing canine. They tracked him through fields and forests, perhaps worried that he might be injured or worse. What they didn’t expect to find was the dog snuggled up against a newborn human baby underneath a bridge.
One can only assume the pup came across the abandoned child the previous evening, and, seeing that he was unattended, decided to stay and keep the child safe. By doing this, the dog also ensured that the baby was found by those who could do more than lick his face clean.
Besides for an infection around his uncut umbilical cord, the baby seems to be in good health. No word on who the parents are or why they abandoned him, but he’s now in the care of of a local health directorate.
And that’s what they call a happy ending.