Pastor goes mad while delivering another insane man!

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.2Cor 10:4
This is a sad story, when a pastor who is sent to deliver a mad man turns into a mad man himself.


As a child born and bred in the C&S church, I have seen a lot of Spiritual battles and seen strange things that are beyond human belief. What I find more strange is the new breed of ‘money pastors’ who came with the American TV Evangelical churches, who are more focused on strategies and marketing, majoring in worldly affairs and using head knowledge by quoting the bible sporadically. They are not equipped spiritually to take on evil spirits. 

It reminds me of the bible story of the demon that spoke to the two Casanova pastors, who wanted to caste the devil out of a girl, imitating Apostle Paul, the demon beat them to pulp saying Paul I know but who the hell are you guys!.
May the Lord forgive him of his sins and deliver him with His mercy!
Pastor Runs Mad While Conducting Deliverance
Residents of Oke Ado part of IbadanOyo State, Nigeria on Thursday June 28, 2012 watched the drama of their life involving a pastor and a mad man.
According to an eyewitness, the pastor named Timothy went to conduct deliverance for a mad man named Tunde at Ososami Junction of Oke Ado at about 5:20pm.
We learnt Tunde was sitting in front of a building at the time.
According to a shop owner, Semiu who witnessed the drama, the pastor began reading the bible on sighting the mad man. He later moved closer and laid his hand on him.
At a point, there was a hot argument between the duo, which made the pastor to raise his voice as he was offering a deliverance prayer for Tunde, the mad man. The hot prayer lasted for over 15 minutes before another strange drama began,” Semiu stated.
According to an Okada rider who also witnessed the drama, the mad man forcefully removed the pastor Timothy’s hand from his head and all of a sudden, a strange spirit came on the pastor and he began removing his cloth.
Within few minutes, he was totally naked and laid flat on the ground, speaking strange languages, with foam oozing out of his mouth.”
The mad man initially left him in this position and sat at some distance away from the pastor, before the duo later sat closer to each other, while onlookers watched the strange drama.
As at the time of this report, the pastor remained in a state of insanity.