I am Born for a purpose! are you? Succeding against ALL odds! video

One thing I have learned on this planet earth is that every one is born for a purpose, to make a difference, whether you are born black, white, brown or yellow. Short, tall, with legs or without, with hair or without, abandoned or pampered. We all have a story to tell, a legacy to leave. It ain’t the beginning or how you started that matters its how you end it. So snap out of this pity party syndrome and make good use of the potentials you have inside, stop complaining, people worse off than you have risen to the top!

If God preserved you to read this article, then He still waiting on you to live your dreams!, become somebody, make use of your talents of your gifts. Recently I have really been seeing the Light in each person I come across, perhaps by learning a different perception of life and its meaning, I see daily more angels in disguise brought my way to teach me, direct me or lift me up.

How can you explain a child abandoned for death by teenage parent in the forest, only to be found by a dog who decides to sit tight with the baby all  night, till dog rescuers searching for the lost dog came to find not just the dog alone but with a new baby still with umbilical cord attached!.

What about the 6 year old born with fur on face and arms, abandoned by parents only to be adopted by another.Liu Jiangli, now six, was born with a thick coating of black fur on the left side of her face, as well as patches of it across 60per cent of her body.  Liu, from Zhongjie village, Qingzhen, southwest China’s Guizhou Province, also has black hair inside her left ear.  At the age of two her mother left the family home and shortly afterwards, her father took her to a kindergarten but never came back.

My favourite is Nick Vujicic  born with no legs nor arms, yet doing amazing things around the world, blessing peoples lives and given them hope. Recently he was invited by the governor of Texas to inspire and encourage them. Can you imagine, someone with no arms and legs, yet given others hope to live!.
I hope we will learn the more to reach out to the less priviledge, especially the christian family, if our creator can adopt us to be siblings with Jesus, we should be eager to adopt, foster or sponsor less privilege kids, whenever we can.