Jesus Christ Passion play: Crucifixion in Trafalgar Square – Wintershall 2012

Every Easter weekend in Trafalgar Square an acting cast of over 100 actors and actress, young and old, including, horses, donkeys, dress up in biblical historical clothes to recreate the last 3 days of Jesus Christ on earth from His trial to His triumph in Resurrection. Last year 2011 was my first time to witness the play which was very emotional bringing the suffering of Jesus, His Crucifixion on the cross alive, it caused me to revalue my walk with Christ and to appreciate Him the more.

Passion Play in Trafalgar Square

This year on Good Friday and Saturday 6th and 7th April 2012,  I will be taking my children along to see what they read in the bible and hear in Sunday school!, putting a picture to their imagination. As a Christian, I will like to encourage you to use the opportunity to take your family, remember it is a free event and over 20,000 congregated on Trafalgar square last year. Check their website for details.

Taking this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter!, remember that death has been swallowed in victory and that Jesus died that we might have Life, He is our hope, no matter what you are going through it is not unto death, but just temporal for a season, just hold on to Jesus and He will bring you through the storm.

After all people the Pharisees thought it was the end of Him by nailing Him on the cross, who could believe that it was the beginning of a life, He rose from the dead.

Be hopeful in Christ, stay strong,  for your joy is just round the corner, for morning to come forth, their has to be darkness first!.

Hallelujah! Christ is risen!

Death has been swallowed up in victory, O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?1Cor15:54