Angel meets Princess Anne!

It was a privilege and honour for me to meet and speak to Princess Anne today, she is a lady that I admire so much, for her tenacity, hospitality and here genuine interest to be involved in matters which are dear to her heart like Children. This is a passion we both share and which brought us together or should I say brought me to meet her.

About a year ago I volunteered my services with a children charity called Jet Educational trust, they were set up to financially aid, underprivileged and troubled background kids to sponsor their education and assist them by placing them in  Independent Boarding schools. The charity then merged with the Royal wanstead Foundation whose patron was Princess Anne. Today they are now called the Royal National Children’s foundation.

My job as an area representative is to introduce the foundation to headteachers and governors of inner city schools and the London area, so that rather than place the kids in foster care where they spend over £2,500 over each kid monthly they can place them in a boarding school for a fraction of the money. I also help in accessing applicants by doing home visitation and speaking to both child and family.

In many ways United Kingdom is a very charitable country, they have always been in the forefront of aiding the under privilege, be it refugees, immigrants and many more. I have travelled over Europe and witnessed the suffering that foreigners suffer especially if they are black, take for example, Italy they never offer Africans blue collar jobs even if they study in their country, the men mostly pick tomatoes in the farm, and the women work as house-helps but more like slaves to me, hence there are lots of Nigerian women working as prostitutes, all over Europe the story is likewise.

I remembered when I went to Germany to see my cousin, I met one of  his friends whom i knew from Nigeria, he was very good looking and robust, but he was now looking gaunt, old and frail. I asked my cousin what happened to him, I was told he was unable to get a job as he has no papers to work and the police are very strict, they almost everyday do stop and search with any black person they see, so he has had to stay indoors until he met the German lady whom was sitting beside him, she must be like twice his age and thrice his size!.

I mean if he wrapped his hands round her he couldn’t reach halfway round, she was massively big and she was his wife!. Why, because she was his Savior and answer to get his papers, however he has to pay with his life, apparently the woman has not had a partner in 10yrs (she is ugly as well!)and the guy was in her bed 24 hrs, 7 days a week. He was working extra hard, a sex slave, poor guy.

Over here we are very privilege does not happen in UK, every foreigner I have met, be it African, European, Asian all love UK, it is a country of freedom where you are recognised for your hard work without discrimination. A lot of Africans including a friend of mine have been awarded OBE’s by the Queen of England.

If only our country could be like that, catering for the poor and needy.

God bless United Kingdom!