Ghanaian-born Lady sentenced to 2 years prison for reaping off her two husbands!


This world we live in is sure like a boomerang, for whatever goes around also comes around, whatever you sow, you reap! and as the African adage goes ‘if lie goes on for 20 years, the truth will catch up one day!. As a Nigerian abroad, time and time again, I have heard of callous, evil and manipulative women in their greed to own all, burn their candles from both ends. 
Mark Antony as part of his funeral oration after the murder of the emperor Caesar, in William Shakespeare’s play Julius CaesarMark Anthony says in Act 3, Scene 2. Antony begins by saying,
‘Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; 

I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him; 
The evil that men do lives after them
The good is oft interred with their bones’

I once heard of a British man who paid thousands of pounds to bring his bride in from Nigeria, after five years of husband pouring their heart, money over them, getting her red passport, she travels to Nigeria to visit her family and brought back her ‘brother’ who lived with them and being the husbands ‘brother-in-law’ he kitted him up with all he needed, clothes, food an a roof over his head as he wasn’t working he stayed at home. The husband however was a security guard who works night shift. 
Anyway, the husband went to work one night and fell ill, he was sent home, on getting home however he found his ‘brother-in-law’ on top of his wife on his bed!. It turned out the brother was the ‘original husband’, the other was the ‘mugun’!. The poor guy collapsed in shock. This my friend is not an isolated case but what happens in the foreign land we live in. Some people will sell their soul, to get a ‘red passport’. Is it worth it? I leave the answer to you my friend.

Godsgift Tettegah


A FEMALE bigamist received a 16-month jail sentence after she was found guilty of fleecing two husbands out of £200,000.
The court was told of how Godsgift Tettegah, 39, asked one husband, John Thurlby, who is 26 years her senior, to sponsor her hair extension business in Grantham, Lincolnshire.
Mr Thurlby, who wed Tettegah in 2008 after meeting her the previous year, is said to have invested £65,000 into her hair business. The business never materialised and Mr Thurlby was never remunerated.
He is also believed to have handed her £10,000 to help a man she claimed to be her “brother” keep his home from repossession. Mr Thurlby later found out that the “brother” was in reality her husband, of whom she married in 2004. She is thought to have also fleeced him out £19,000. A loan which is still outstanding.
The court also heard that Mr Thurlby also spent £100,000 on building a four-bedroom house in Ghana, which he and Tettegah had planned to stay when visiting the country, but the house was never completed.
When sentencing Ghanian-born Tettegah last Friday (Sept 30), Judge Michael Heath said, “You are a strikingly attractive but very devious woman.”