Nigerian Government sends delegate to Indonesia to plead for 17 year old boy on death row


What a 17 year old boy is doing carrying drugs across the Ocean to Indonesia is still something that baffles me, should he not be in school, was he pressured by his family? He is among the 19 held there to be hanged. Why anyone will become a drug mule and be a carrier to Indonesia where it is death penalty when caught is beyond me.

According to Nigerian government Seventeen Nigerians are currently on the death row in Indonesia, the Federal Government said yesterday. 
They were convicted for various offences including drugs trafficking.
 The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Olugbenga Ashiru, speaking at the 2012 Ministerial Platform to commemorate the first year of the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan, however said government had stepped in to get the death sentences committed.
He also said the Nigerian Embassy in Indonesia is seeing to their welfare and has been monitoring the court proceedings.
According to him, the Federal Government always sends two delegations to go on tour of Malaysia, Indonesia and China where Nigerians are held in various prisons to ensure their welfare and well being.
He said: “What is good is good and what is bad is bad. Some Nigerians travelling abroad should please stop drug trafficking. We will work with civil societies, agencies and other bodies to educate Nigerians on it. The number we have on the death toll in Indonesia is 17 and we have been appealing to the government of Indonesia for clemency. We are still waiting.  read more
we hope there mission becomes successful.