Sad! Father chains and padlocks son to Die In The Bush

Which kind father be dis one o!. This little guy is definitely lucky with seven life’s and God with him as well, little could he have imagined that the man he calls his father will want to do him harm, not to talk of killing him. Perhaps this is for a money ritual or like some men will do when they marry a new wife, ill treat their children from a previous marriage to please the new wife!. Maybe the guys wife couldn’t stand the boy and he had no choice but to leave him for dead in the jungle. But as God still has a purpose for the boy, He lead people to set him free. God help the father now!


Yesterday a little boy was found near a river in Okpuno, Awka Anambra state, his hands and legs were bound with a chain and locked with a padlock.
While his cry drew security operative of the community to his location, his father and neighbours  were desperately looking for him.
After his miraculous rescue, the boy narrated how his father took him to the bush and chained him, further investigations revealed that the boy has been there for 3 days without any source of water or food ,exposed to wild animals.
Neighbours were filled with so much disbelief, as the said the boys father known as Alhaji who hails from Kogi State acted like he was about to die without his son, telling everyone that his soon has gone missing without any trace.
The boy is said to be the son of his ex-wife.