Pastor Okotie ends marriage again!. out goes wife No 2

On Sunday, June 24, 2012.Pastor Chris Okotie said to his House of God congregation: “Stephanie and I are no longer married. We have separated. “You can see she’s not in church today. It’s due to irreconcilable differences and you should please respect our wishes at this time because there is no going back.”

Pastor Okotie marriage will be the 2nd time around, his first marriage ended after 17 years and this one just 4 years and the reason ‘irreconciliable differences’!.  What baffles me more in these incidences which we seem to be getting more and more of that is ‘Pastor divorcing’ is the non chalant attitude they have about it. Are these really ‘representative of God’ on earth or simply a ‘representative of men’ carrying the attributes of a man who relies on worldly pleasure. I find it hard to distinguish between a ‘Pastor’ and an ‘entertainment celebrity’. They have the same characteristics and hunger for the same fame, wealth and glory.

When the Pentecostal establishment first came to Nigeria in the 1970’s or late 60’s, by the likes of Bishop Idahosa and Deeper Life I really taught Nigeria will become different, I remembered coming back to UK and thinking by the time I get back to Nigeria, there will be no more Beer parlours or Cigarette smokers and hotels will be on the downturn. Little did I know that the new influx of Americanised religion will become a multi billion industry, quick way to amass wealth by milking the vulnerable.

Seeking to be like Jesus, is not on there mind or there agenda, it is seeking to be franchised, to create brands. Have estates all in the family name using the church as an umbrella to cover up there ridiculous amount of wealth. Nowadays, Pastors have Oil Conglomerates, manufacturing companies, private jets, real estates etc. They are answerable to nobody and until the government intervenes things will go from bad to worse.

Thank God for United Kingdom and there accountability, we all remembered the pastor that was been paid 1 million pounds annual salary tax free!

I can just imagine how sad Jesus must be up there!

read more on Okoties story