Happy Fathers Day, Who? …..Am a Sperm Donor Citizen!

What happens when, My Fathers name is ‘Donor’! The Father’s role is fundamental to a child, while the mother nurtures a child in the home to love and care, the Father introduces the child to the world, teaching them how to interact, developing their interpersonal skills, identity and values etc.’, I once attended the annual Christian National prayer Breakfast held in the House of Parliament, for all Christians active in Politics and Charity Organisations in the UK. I was privilege to meet Kids Company founder Camila Batmanghelidjh who said the above!. This is mostly visible in the lives of boys. Without a father figure the child …we find that adolescent boys engage in more delinquent behaviour if there is no father figure in their lives.

In today’s society, each year an estimated 30,000-60,000 children are born in the USA  and Europe via artificial insemination. Mostly to Lesbian mothers and over 40’s women who feel they don’t need a man to have a baby, all they need to do is visit a sperm bank, get matched up and boom! artificial Insemination(man visits sperm bank, does his stuff in a bottle $25 per session and it gets inserted into the woman using a needleless syringe) and out pops the baby.  One donor NY times reported had more than 150 kids and still counting!
My Daddy’s Name is Donor, co-authored by Elizabeth Marquardt, Norval D. Glenn and Karen Clark, is the first serious study to evaluate the implications of sperm donations on children without fathers.

THE REPORT said these children suffer more than those who were adopted: hurting more, feeling more confused, and feeling more isolated from their families.  The donor offspring are more likely than the adopted to have struggled with addiction and delinquency and, similar to the adopted, a significant number have confronted depression or other mental illness. Nearly half of donor offspring, and more than half of adoptees, agree, “It is better to adopt than to use donated sperm or eggs to have a child.

Nowadays you don’t have to put the fathers name onto the birth certificate and in 2010, ‘father’ was replaced with ‘2nd partner’ for lesbians. Natalie Woods, 38, and Elizabeth Knowles, 47, from Brighton became mother and partner(out goes father!) on the birth certificate.

No wonder our young generation are confused, the highest percentage of young offenders in prison are from fatherless homes.

How sad, my question is, do the Donor Children celebrate Fathers day?

Psalm 127:3-5  Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.