Nigeria Business Directory App Announced by Mocality


Mocality, Africa’s largest mobile and web based business directory, are proud to announce the release of their Nigeria Business Directory App for the Android operating system.

Mocality, Africa’s largest mobile and web based business directory, are proud to announce the release of their Nigeria Business Directory App for the Android operating system.

The Mocality App, available for free download via Google Play (formerly Android Market), not only allows users to easily and conveniently locate businesses in their area, but to find businesses in Kenya and Nigeria, on the move, all from the comfort of their own Android Smartphone.
Tim Harper, Mocality’s Head of Product said, “The ‘find near me’ functionality is a great way for users to discover new businesses and services around their current location, using an application that is built to take advantage of the sophisticated features of the Android smartphone.”
Optimized to take full advantage of the power and speed of Google’s Android OS and the Smartphone’s GPS capabilities, the Mocality App allows Smartphone users to find desired businesses by location using GPS, Google Maps as well as keywords.